Vendée globe 2020 hírek

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Vendée Globe - a földkerülő nonstop-szóló vitorlázóverseny - pillanatok . vendée globe 2020 hírek. VENDÉE GLOBE 2020 - válogatás a földkerülő nonstop szóló vitorlázóverseny első 23 napjának pillanataiból - nem a teljesség igényével foto©VendéeGlobe Fa Nándor és Varga Lajos vitorlázók. 2020-2021 Vendée Globe - Wikipedia vendée globe 2020 hírek. The 2020-2021 Vendée Globe was a non-stop round the world yacht race for IMOCA 60 class yachts crewed by only one person. It was the ninth edition of the race, which started and finished in Les Sables-dOlonne, France.. The 2020-2021 Vendée Globe much more than just a success.. The Vendée Globe was placed in a news mix dominated by Covid-19, which led news agendas since last March and there were the American elections and the knock on effects. Despite these elements, the Vendée Globe held a special place in the news. Many newcomers have discovered the virtues of ocean racing, its skippers and the event.. Elrajtolt a Vendée Globe mezőnye | Euronews. A földkerülő vitorlásverseny mezőnye 33 hajóból áll idén.. Vendée Globe 2020 - Everything you need to know - You can watch the start of the Vendée Globe 2020-21 live on Olympic Channel on Sunday 8 November with the fleet set to depart at 12:02 GMT. Olympic Channel will also stream weekly highlights of the race as well as live coverage of the finish in Les Sables DOlonne with the first boats expected back in mid-January.. Vendée Globe: nők az óceánokért | Euronews vendée globe 2020 hírek. Tapasztalataikra érdemes lenne odafigyelni! Egyre több nő vág neki a világ egyik legnehezebb és legnagyobb presztízsű vitorlásversenyének, a Vendée Globe-nak. A most zajló földkerülő viadal sorrendben a kilencedik. A 32 magányos kapitány közül pedig hat nő. Egyikük Sam Davis, akinek van már bőven tapasztalata.. Vendée Globe: a habok martaléka lett Escoffier vitorlása. Infostart / MTI 2020. december 1. 10:28 Link a vágólapra másolva Továbbra is Charlie Dalin vezet a szóló földkerülő vitorlásversenyen, amelyen Kevin Escoffier-t Jean Le Cam mentette ki az óceán 5 méteres hullámai közül a Jóreménység-fokától is délebbre, vaksötétben. vendée globe 2020 hírek. Vendée Globe 2020-2021 — Wikipédia vendée globe 2020 hírek. Le Vendée Globe 2020-2021 constitue la neuvième édition de la course autour du monde du Vendée Globe. Le départ pour les trente-trois concurrents engagés a été donné le 8 novembre 2020 en baie des Sables-dOlonne à 14 h 20 . Épreuve majeure du circuit IMOCA , elle est courue en solitaire, sans assistance et sans escale, à bord de .. Vendée Globe: Ruyant az élen, Dalin visszaesett - NSO. Friss hírek . Darts-vb vendée globe 2020 hírek. NB I vendée globe 2020 hírek. Adatbankok . Sportműsor . Egyéb egyéni vitorlázás Vendée Globe Thomas Ruyant Charlie Dalin vendée globe 2020 hírek. MTI/B. L vendée globe 2020 hírek. 2020.12.16 12:59 Frissítve: 2020.12.16 13:04 vendée globe 2020 hírek. Vendée Globe: Ruyant az élen, Dalin visszaesett vendée globe 2020 hírek. Szóljon hozzá! . Fa Nándor az 1992-93-as Vendée Globe-on legjobb nem franciaként az ötödik, 2016 .. Home - Vendée Globe - En. Vendée Globe 2020-2021 : the official website of the only sailing race round the world, solo, non-stop and without assistance.. Vendée Globe 2020 földkerülő nonstop-szóló vitorlázóverseny . vendée globe 2020 hírek. Vendée Globe 2020 földkerülő nonstop-szóló vitorlázóverseny - pillanatok az első 23 napról. Fa Nándor ötszörös földkerülő óceáni szólóvitorlázó, kétszeres Vendée Globe földkerülő és Varga Lajos balatoni szólóvitorlázó versenyző beszélgetése hajókról, hajósokról, hajó típusokról, emberi .. Vendée Globe: Az élmezőny széthúzódása következik?. Bemutatták a Paugernél épült L´Occitane-t, így ismert, tehát számbavehető már az összes 2020-as Vendée Globe résztvevő hajó. Kezdetnek az előzményekről szól a cikkünk. A world of emotions - The Vendée Globe 2020 in 52 minutes. Some skippers havent arrived yet that we are already talking about this edition of the Vendée Globe as one of the greatest races of all times.. Vendée Globe: Küszködés dél felé | HAJOZAS.HU vendée globe 2020 hírek. Két napja rajtolt a Vendée Globe, a szóló földkerülő vitorlás verseny és talán kivánni sem lehetett volna kedvezőtlenebb időjárási helyzetet. Az Atlanti-óceánon az alacsony- és magasnyomású időjárási rendszerek követik egymást, igen sűrűn és főleg kedvezőtlen ritmusban.. Ranking - Vendée Globe - En. Find the official ranking of the Vendée Globe 2020-2021, the only non-stop, solo, and without assistance, round-the-world sailing race. vendée globe 2020 hírek

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. Vendée Globe 2024: Egy+ három magyar a földkerülőn? vendée globe 2020 hírek. Az új hajókon egyértelműen látszik, hogy átveszik Sam Manuard ötletét, aki a 2020-as Vendée Globe-ra széles hasas orrú hajót épített. A LOccitane hosszirányú stabilitása és a déli óceánokon olykor megvillantott sebességpotenciálja meggyőzte a tervezőket a koncepció igazát.. Elindítják a Vendeé Globe-ot 2020-ban | Vitorlázás Magazin vendée globe 2020 hírek. Hírek IMOCA 60 szóló földkerülés Vendée Globe Elindítják a Vendeé Globe-ot 2020-ban A vírus gazdaságra is kiterjedő pusztító hatására a franciák már az újrakezdéssel reagálnak, tervezik az egyszemélyes földkerülő novemberi elindítását. vendée globe 2020 hírek. Accueil - Vendée Globe. Recevoir les dernières actualités du. Suivez le Vendée Globe 2020-2021 : la seule course à la voile autour du monde, en solitaire, sans escale et sans assistance. Départ donné le 08 novembre 2020 !. Vendée Globe 2020. Start on Sunday 08 November 2020 at 13h20 UTCStart 08/11/2020 • 13h20 UTC. Vendée Globe: A PRB elsüllyedt, drámai mentőakció négy versenyhajó .. Egyelőre a tutaj AIS jele sem fogható és besötétedett vendée globe 2020 hírek. A verseny rendezősége mozgósította a dél-afrikai mentőegységeket és a következő három versenyzőt is az elsüllyedt hajó pozíciója felé irányította. Így Yannick Bestaven, Sebastien Simon és Boris Hermann is a bajba jutott társuk közelébe ért vagy közeledik.. Spirit of Hungary | sailing project 2013-17 vendée globe 2020 hírek. Vendée Globe 2020 földkerülő nonstop-szóló vitorlázóverseny - pillanatok az első 23 napról. folytatás Fa Nándor ötszörös földkerülő óceáni szólóvitorlázó, kétszeres Vendée Globe földkerülő és Varga Lajos balatoni szólóvitorlázó. News - Vendée Globe - En. All the news and updates of the Vendée Globe 2020. New registrations, preparatory races, you will find here everything you need to know about the Vendée Globe universe! vendée globe 2020 hírek. 2024-2025 Vendée Globe - Wikipedia. 2024-2025 Vendée Globe vendée globe 2020 hírek

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. The 2024-2025 Vendée Globe is a non-stop round the world yacht race for IMOCA 60 class yachts crewed by only one person vendée globe 2020 hírek. It will be the tenth edition of the race, and will start and finish in Les Sables-dOlonne, France. The race is scheduled to begin on 10 November 2024. [1] vendée globe 2020 hírek. Vendée Globe: Sorrendkavaró mérföldek következnek | HAJOZAS.HU. Az Atlanti-óceán déli részén a nagy kiterjedésű Szent Heléna magasnyomású övezetből való szabadulás alaposan felforgathatja a sorrendet a következő napokban.. The Vendée Globe - a sailing race around the world - Vendée Tourisme. The Vendée globe is a single handed, non-assisted round the world yacht race

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. This extraordinary race takes place every 4 years setting out from Les Sables dOlonne. The Vendée Globe 2020-2021 edition

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. The 9 th edition of the Vendée Globe took place on the 8 th November 2020 and reported a new record of 33 candidates registered to take .. Vendee Globe: The race to the end of the world - BBC Sport vendée globe 2020 hírek. Briton Nigel Burgess is one of three men lost at sea in the race or on the way to the startline vendée globe 2020 hírek. In the average Vendee Globe race, only around 55% of entrants will finish, with others being forced .. News - Time Compensations To Skippers Involved In the . - Vendée Globe

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. Article. The International Jury of the 2020 Vendée Globe have published their decisions for time compensations awarded to three of the four skippers who were involved in the rescue operation for Kevin Escoffier during the period late afternoon and overnight Monday, November 30 when the skipper had to abandon his boat some 850 miles SW of Cape . vendée globe 2020 hírek. Vendée Globe 2024 - Kvalifikációs állás a Transat Jacques Vabre előtt vendée globe 2020 hírek. A 2024 novemberében rajtoló szóló földkerülő versenyen, a 10. Vendée Globe-on 40 versenyző állhat majd rajthoz vendée globe 2020 hírek. Lezárult a nevezés, a jelentkezők létszáma véglegessé vált! Jelenleg 44-en pályáznak a részvételre, köztük Weöres Szabolcs a New Europe nevű hajójával. Szabi jelenleg a 33 vendée globe 2020 hírek. helyen van az indulásra .. Meet the fearless women sailors taking on the Everest of the seas vendée globe 2020 hírek. The record to beat in the 2020 race is 74 days, but it can take over 100 days to complete the Vendée Globe. Photograph by Eloi Stichelbaut, Polaryse/ Vendee Globe 2020 Please be respectful of .. News - Vendée Globe - En. The 2023 season comes to an end, looking forward to 2024! On the Retour à la Base - a transatlantic race starting from Martinique - the Vendée Globe skippers experienced their first single-handed race after a series of double-handed races. For the winner Yoann Richomme, Sam Goodchild and Violette Dorange, it was even their very first solo .. The legend - Vendée Globe - En. The question was asked for a long time. Gripped by the intensity of the Covid-19 pandemic, the planet was brought to a halt during several weeks at the beginning of 2020. Although pushed back during the summer, the shadow of a new lockdown hovered over the organization of the solo round-the-world in autumn, but the Vendée Globe held up.. Vendée Globe 2020 - Apps on Google Play. About this app. The official application of the Vendée Globe vendée globe 2020 hírek. Presentation, history, skippers, boats, news, photos, videos, 3D animations, cartography, . To know everything and follow everything about Everest of the Seas!. Understanding the 2020 Vendée Globe, here are the rules - The notice of race for the 2020 Vendée Globe is drawn up by the organisers and the race directors, validated by the French Sailing Federation and enables the rules of the race to be set. By publishing it so early, the SAEM Vendée, the company organising the Vendée Globe hopes that the skippers can prepare themselves as well as possible. "The publication of the Notice of Race is an important .. The Vendée Globe 2016-17: how the race was won. Le Cléach sailed Banque Populaire VIII over the finish line at 1537 UTC in a time of 74 days, three hours, 35 minutes and 46 seconds to win the Vendée Globe and set a new race record in the process. Despite the incredible length of the Vendée Globe the race is not unfamiliar with close finishes. In the very first edition winner Titouan .. Live Updates: The Vendée Globe Finish | North Sails. The Vendée Globe 2020-21 fleet is arriving back to Les Sables-dOlonne after completing their 24,000-mile circumnavigation. This solo, non-stop, and without assistance marathon is one of the most difficult sailing events

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. Reaching the finish line, regardless of position, is considered a remarkable accomplishment. 25 competitors will complete . vendée globe 2020 hírek. Vendée Globe: Essential guide to the worlds toughest sailing race

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. The 2020 Vendée Globe race, its ninth edition, was perhaps the most successful ever: it saw 33 entries, a record number of new foiling designs, and the lowest ever number of abandonments. vendée globe 2020 hírek. 2020, a record year for Virtual Regatta - Tip & Shaft vendée globe 2020 hírek. 2020, a record year for Virtual Regatta. 7 December 2020

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. -. eSailing vendée globe 2020 hírek. With almost a million virtual boats entered - more than double the number that competed four years ago - the virtual Vendée Globe is a huge success for Virtual Regatta which had also took the opportunity presented by the first confinement between March and May to .. Vendée Globe - Wikipedia vendée globe 2020 hírek. Ensimmäinen Vendée Globe starttasi 26 vendée globe 2020 hírek. marraskuuta 1989 vendée globe 2020 hírek. Toinen Vendée Globe järjestettiin kolmen vuoden päästä, jonka jälkeen se on järjestetty neljän vuoden välein. Kahdeksassa ensimmäisessä kilpailussa (1989-2016) on kilpailuun startannut 167 kilpailijaa, joista vain 89 onnistunut ylittämään maalilinjan. Vuonna 2020 mukana .. Discover - Vendée Globe - En. Discover the concept of the Vendée Globe : the only non-stop, solo, and without assistance, round-the-world sailing race. After 70 to 80 days at sea, the winner of the Vendée Globe 2020 will finally be able to see the Nouch buoy which marks the finish line of the Vendée Globe in Les Sables dOlonne.. Vendée Globe finish: Epic conclusion to round the world race - updated. The 2020/21 Vendée Globe finish goes to the wire: Dalin first to cross the line with several boats still in with a chance of taking the title overnight, but Herrmann out of contention after .. Best of Vendée Globe 2020 - 2021 - YouTube. [Best of VG2020 ⛵]This 9th edition was unique in many ways and will leave a very special mark in the history of the Vendée Globe. 🌊Relive the moments that m.. The Insanity And Elegance Of The Vendée Globe Sailing Race - Forbes vendée globe 2020 hírek. Launch of 2020 Vendée Globe from Les Sables-dOlonne, France. Jean-Louis Carli/Alea We need to keep the right balance so old boats are in line with newer ones and keep the fleet at an average .. News - Pip Hare first British skipper to finish the Vendée Globe .. After 95 days, 11 hours, 37 mins and 30 seconds of racing, Hare is the first British skipper to finish the 2020-21 race, and only the eighth women ever to finish the Vendée Globe in its history. Her performance on a 21-year-old IMOCA, the oldest boat yet to finish this edition, has drawn admiration from all corners of the world of French and .. Boris HERRMANN - Vendée Globe - En. Receive latest news Vendée Globe. I would like to receive news from SAEM Vendée, the organising company of the Vendée Globe * vendée globe 2020 hírek. Boris Herrmanns goal is far from becoming the first German sailor to take the start of the Vendée Globe. He wants to demonstrate that he is a serious contender…. vendée globe 2020 hírek. Photos - Vendée Globe - En. Brève 09 Dec 2023 - 19:14 First single-handed race on an IMOCA, first victory for Yoann Richomme vendée globe 2020 hírek. #VG2024 23 Nov 2023 - 14:59 An official gourmet supplier for the Vendée Globe: Brioches Fonteneau. Brève 19 Nov 2023 - 08:16 Thomas Ruyant and Morgan Lagravière, winners of the Transat Jacques Vabre. #VG2024 17 Nov 2023 - 16:07 Oxeva hosts the .. Posters - Boutique Vendée Globe. Découvrez tous les produits de la Collection Posters disponibles sur la Boutique Officielle du Vendée Globe 2020. Ces produits ont été imaginés pour vous par notre équipe de passionnés.. Broken Alex Thomson retires from 2020 Vendée Globe after rudder damage. Alex Thomsons dreams of winning the 2020 Vendée Globe are over, after Hugo Boss suffered rudder damage on Friday evening (27 November) The enormously popular skipper has announced that he is .. Vendee Globe 2020: Alex Thomson prepares for fifth shot at round . - BBC. Alex Thomson says his fifth Vendee Globe round the world race will end a challenging year in more ways than one. Thomson unveils boat for 2020 Vendee Globe. Published. 20 September 2019.. 2020-2021 Vendée Globe - Wikiwand. The 2020-2021 Vendée Globe was a non-stop round the world yacht race for IMOCA 60 class yachts crewed by only one person. It was the ninth edition of the race, which started and finished in Les Sables-dOlonne, France vendée globe 2020 hírek. The race began on 8 November 2020, with the first finishers completing the course on 27 January 2021 with the 25th and final yacht to complete the race arrived on 5 March 2021.. VIDEO: Vendée Globe 2020-21 Route - Scuttlebutt Sailing News. VIDEO: Vendée Globe 2020-21 Route vendée globe 2020 hírek. Published on September 24th, 2020

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. The record for the solo, non-stop Vendée Globe was set in 2016-17 by Armel le Cléach of 74:03:35:46. As the 33 skippers .. GLOBE 2020 GLOBE Project. The GLOBE 2020 research project is an extension of over 20 years of collaborative work conducted by the GLOBE research team vendée globe 2020 hírek. In the 1990s, the GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) project examined the relationships among societal culture, leadership, and organizational practices in collaboration with more than 200 researchers from 62 societies. vendée globe 2020 hírek. Live remontée chenal + conférence de presse Sam Davies Vendée Globe .. Suivez en direct la remontée du chenal et la conférence de presse de Sam Davies (Initiatives-Cœur) lors de ce Vendée Globe 2020-2021. vendée globe 2020 hírek. Ranking - Vendée Globe - En. Find the official ranking of the Vendée Globe 2020-2021, the only non-stop, solo, and without assistance, round-the-world sailing race. Regarding the time spent rescuing Kevin Escoffier (PRB), and after evaluating the impact on his race, the Vendée Globe international jury awarded hours of compensation to Boris Herrmann (6h00), Yannick .. Skippers 2024 - Vendée Globe - En. 2024 Candidates. Fabrice Amedeo Nexans - Art & Fenêtres. Romain Attanasio FORTINET - BEST WESTERN vendée globe 2020 hírek. Éric Bellion STAND AS ONE. Yannick Bestaven MAÎTRE COQ V. Jérémie Beyou CHARAL. Arnaud Boissières LA MIE CÂLINE. Louis Burton BUREAU VALLÉE. Conrad Colman Imagine.. A new Irish project for the 2020 Vendée Globe. After that, he would like to sail across the Atlantic in 2019 to qualify for the next Vendée Globe, which starts on 8 th November 2020. He is clearly in a hurry and has rejected the idea of going through the traditional school of Figaro racing, preferring to gain as much experience as he can on an IMOCA with Thomson, in order to be ready in 2020.. 37 candidates for the Vendée Globe 2020 vendée globe 2020 hírek. Here are the main features of the Vendée Globe 2020 projects. Nine new boats, four architects. There should have been only eight, but a last-minute guest has just been added to the list of candidates in the person of Yann Eliès. For his third Vendée Globe Yann should also have a new boat, but he has not yet revealed who his partner will be .. Home - Vendée Globe - En. To date, the Vendée Globe is the greatest sailing race round the world, solo, non-stop and without assistance. The event followed in the wake of the Golden Globe which had initiated the first circumnavigation of this type via the three capes (Good Hope, Leeuwin and Horn) in 1968. The eight editions of what is now called the Everest of the seas .. Sam DAVIES - Vendée Globe - En. Live ascent of the channel + press conference Sam Davies Vendée Globe 2020-2021 [EN] 26 Feb 2021 - 16:04 • 12365 views . Live remontée chenal + conférence de presse Sam Davies Vendée Globe 2020-2021 [FR] 26 Feb 2021 - 15:59 • 43424 views . All related videos

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. Fermer. Your . vendée globe 2020 hírek. Vendée Globe: Story of Escoffiers rescue - Scuttlebutt Sailing News vendée globe 2020 hírek. Vendée Globe: Story of Escoffiers rescue. (December 1, 2020; Day 24) - After eleven and a half hours in his liferaft since being forced to abandon his 2009 VPLP-Verdier designed PRB in .. Vendee Globe: Pip Hare returns home to Poole - BBC News. The 47-year-old became the first British skipper to reach the complete in the 2020-21 race on 18 February, after 95 days at sea vendée globe 2020 hírek. In the latter stages she was buoyed by a surprise birthday message .. Jean Le Cam: The 2020 Vendée Globe is a pivotal event. A foil down in the water is like raking through the sea. I think that in 2020, lessons will be learnt. We are setting off into the unknown here having moved up a level. Lets not forget that the more we innovate, the more risks we take vendée globe 2020 hírek. The 2016 Vendée Globe was exceptional if you look at the number of competitors that made it to the finish.. 2016-2017 Vendée Globe - Wikipedia. 2020-2021 →. The 2016-2017 Vendée Globe was a non-stop solo Round the World Yacht Race for IMOCA 60 class yachts and the eighth edition of the race. Summary. The 2016 - 17 race started from Les Sables dOlonne on 6 November 2016; was the eighth edition of the, .. Pip Hare - Vendée Globe - En. In 2018, the British skipper chose to turn her dreams into reality by being the skipper of Superbigou, the IMOCA built in 2000. At the helm of the veteran of the fleet, the Briton could finally savor the happiness of being at the start line of the Vendée Globe on November 2020, the happy conclusion of two years of hard work.. Web TV : Boris HERRMANN - Vendée Globe - En. Press Conference Finish Boris Herrmann vendée globe 2020 hírek. Thu 28 Jan • 54171 views. Pressekonferenz zum Zieleinlauf von Boris Herrmann. Thu 28 Jan • 55859 views vendée globe 2020 hírek. Live arrivées Boris Herrmann, Damien Seguin et Giancarlo Pedote + Vendée Live 82 [FR] et [EN] Live finish Boris Herrmann, Damien Seguin and Giancarlo Pedote Vendée Globe 2020-2021.. Vendée Globe 2020 contenders: Who will win the world . - Yachting World. After an aborted attempt at the 2008/09 Vendée Globe, with Yannick losing his mast just hours after the start in the Bay of Biscay, the La Rochelle based skipper moved back to the Class40 circuit. vendée globe 2020 hírek. News - Meet Pip Hare - Vendée Globe - En. 11 October 2020 - 14:00 • 5746 views. Share. Article. She is free. She has got a BA in linguistics and she stopped her masters of psychology because of le Vendée Globe, her real dream. When she is alone on her boat, she sings Aretha Franklin. Meet Pip Hare ! Date of birth : 7 th Feb 1974. Place of birth : London.. Vendée Globe : Yannick Bestaven vainqueur au bout de la nuit. Le skipper de Maître Coq Yannick Bestaven, vainqueur du Vendée Globe 2020-2021, lors du départ de la course le 8 novembre. .. Thomas RUYANT - Vendée Globe - En. His Vendée Globe 2020. News Thomas Ruyant (LinkedOut) fourth to finish at Les Sables dOlonne 28 Jan 2021 - 05:45 • 5302 views . News Fifty per cent on the good gybe, Thomas Ruyant 23 Jan 2021 - 10:34 • 6917 views . News Thomas Ruyant Its Crazy 13 Jan 2021 - 09:37 • 11568 views .. News - Meet Clarisse Crémer - Vendée Globe - En. Meet Clarisse Crémer. 23 July 2020 - 13:32 • 17493 views. Share. Article. Behind the radiant smile there lies a resolute, talented fighter. Clarisse Crémer, the skipper of Banque-Populaire X may be an IMOCA and Vendée Globe bizuth, a rookie, but she is a fast learner and has a great mentor in defending champion Armel Le Cléach.. Jean Le Cam: Vendée Globe legend they call The King. Jean Le Cam was already a legend, now hes the undisputed hero of the Vendée Globe, having achieved global fame in the 2020/21 edition writes Ed Gorman. 33 solo sailors will be at the start of the Vendée Globe as entry .. A new record sized fleet will compete in the 2020 edition of the Vendée Globe as 33 competitors are now registered to be on the start line off Les Sables dOlonne on November 8. The strong entry underlines the contnued growing interest in the solo, non-stop round the world race.. Vendée Globe Race Past Winners-Champions History.. Vendée Globe 2012-2013: Winner : François Gabart GABART (France ) Yacht : Macif): Time : 78 days 2 hours 16 minutes 40 seconds vendée globe 2020 hírek. Vendée Globe 2016-2017: Winner : Armel Le Cléach (France ) Yacht : Banque Populaire VIII § ) Time : 74 days 03 hours 35 minutes 46 seconds (New Record) vendée globe 2020 hírek. Vendée Globe 2020-2021 Winner : TBD Yacht : TBD Time : TBD.